Spontaneous Think Tank
A Spontaneous Think Tank™️ empowers participants to harness the intelligence of the room. Our approach is simple yet effective. Armed with sticky notes and Sharpie markers, attendees contribute challenges they're having, creating a "wall of woes." Through collaborative crowdsourcing, we co-create an agenda of sessions where the participants lead the conversations.
Nicole Osibodu
Nicole describes herself as a hug-addicted visionary and human catalyst with a flair for the unconventional. She thrives on helping companies build deep connections with their attendees at events that drive revenue. She is obsessed with growing all things women's sports. As the co-mastermind behind the world's first secret business trip, she gets to travel the world creating community with the places, spaces and faces that make life awesome.

Nicole describes herself as a hug-addicted visionary and human catalyst with a flair for the unconventional. She thrives on helping companies build deep connections with their attendees at events that drive revenue. She is obsessed with growing all things women's sports. As the co-mastermind behind the world's first secret business trip, she gets to travel the world creating community with the places, spaces and faces that make life awesome.