Build, clone, rinse, repeat

Tricia Williamson, DocuSign's event tech manager, discusses how her team managed 792 events. Get tips like:

  • Cloning en masse
  • The switch from a few larger global events to many small regional events
  • How to manage a 60-user event team
  • Adapting each template for localization

Our favorite quote: “if every single person told me what their favorite Swoogo hack was, my life would be totally different by Monday.”

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BW Events Tech

Alright. I'm gonna invite Patrick to the stage, and Patrick's gonna tee off our first session.

Alright. Hello. Hello, everybody.

For those of you who I haven't had the chance to meet yet, my name is Patrick. Started with this Swoogo team about six months ago, and I do customer marketing. Meaning that you've seen a lot of those emails coming from me.

Sykes, Stacey, earmuffs, earmuffs. If y'all could just click on every of those emails, click on all the links. Just click on all the links. That'd be great.

That'd be ... Okay. Okay. You're good. Thanks.


So, as I've had the chance to talk with a lot of our customers, there's one theme that keeps coming up over and over and over again, is that 2020 happened, and now things are different.

You have different audiences with different needs and behaviors. You probably have a different team. A lot of y'all are probably joining different teams since 2020. You have an entirely new techstack, and a new way that you're thinking about events. The definition of an event has changed.

So we decided to bring together five of some of our great customers, that are absolutely killing the game at this new different. It's exciting.

It's nerve wracking. It's scary. But together, we're gonna shape the future of Swoogo and the future of events. And so I'd like to welcome to the stage Tricia Williamson from DocuSign.

Alright. Hello, Tricia. Tricia. Can you introduce yourself to the audience?

Yeah. So I'm Tricia Williamson. I've been in the events space for about twenty years now. I started in first- and third-party events, and then in 2008, I went into the event tech space, working for some platforms, not Swoogo.

So, if you have questions about other platforms, I can give you the inside scoop. Please ask away.

In October of 2020, I went to DocuSign as their event tech manager.

When I started at DocuSign, we were in the middle of COVID, and DocuSign had become a quasi-essential service. We had a ton of people that needed to know how to move all their agreements online or digitally.

So, I was given the task of creating a way to reach our prospects and our customers quickly, using digital events. And my team, while we had done live streaming, things like that, had very little experience in digital events.

Adding to that confusion, they had just left one platform and onboarded Swoogo to do their in-person events, and they had a lot of concern as to whether or not Swoogo would be able to handle the amount of digital events we needed to do.

So, we pulled the numbers backstage, and your team, in the past year, has run eight hundred and forty plus events in Swoogo in the past year. Eight hundred and forty events. So ... Yeah ... First question is: You okay?

Yeah. Well, my number is a little bit different.

Oh, okay. Gotcha.

No, I say, so seven ninety-two.

Seven ninety-two.

But yeah.


Got it.

Yeah. Well, not impressive, I guess. Yeah.

It's whatever.

Very casual.

So first question is, like how is that even possible? How do you, how does your team, put together so many events?


So, when I when I started at DocuSign, I think we had thirty Swoogo users. We're up to over sixty now.

But we just, we really looked at, what types of events are we doing? And we tried to categorize them into, what are the requirements of the whole event flow? And, how can we create templates around that? So, we worked with our creative team in coming up with some templates, and worked with my team to create how-to documentation, and we basically have, like, three categories of events.

And so when somebody is onboarded at Swoogo, or we get a new license holder, we send them our how-to documentation and tell them where their templates are, and say, give it a try, and then come to us when you need help.

So, most of our ... like, my team is just three of us, and most of the users are regional users. And they're pretty good about coming up to speed. Like, that's one of the things I love about Swoogo, is just how easy it is to use. I've worked at other platforms that are really built around, this is how a developer would create your event, if you all knew how to code.

Swoogo is, this is how event organizers that have thousands of other decisions to make about not-tech-related things, this is the type of software they would use to create their events.


So once we figured out how to do this with North America, it kinda just ... I started getting messages and emails from all different departments in the company like, hey, I heard this is you know, you're you're the Swoogo person, and this is really easy to use. So now we have our HR teams, they use Swoogo for recruiting events, sales enablement uses it to schedule onboarding.

Partner teams use it for partner releases.

It's just being used company-wide for just whatever needs a website and a registration flow that looks somewhat customized, you know, and they need it in an hour or less.

That's so cool.

Oftentimes I feel like organizations or HR teams and stuff like that, are not so well served by their event or by tech.

And so, really that your team is able to enable ...


I mean, and to to be clear, like, we're there as a support, but it's really, we knew that self sufficiency was the key. There's no way a team of three people could help that many users. That many events. So it really is, here, you give it a try.

You'll see how easy it is to use. And then if you get stuck, here's our our internal community channel, and this is my team, and we can help you out. But it really is the way to scale. Oh, and then the other process I wanted to mention was, our marketing ops person, who I think has a love-hate relationship with Swoogo.

Like, he's in there more than anyone, but he created this amazing process for our sales and customer success teams who just wanted a quick website, reg site, for their one-off events, that they needed integrated and to feed into Salesforce, where you use our marketing intake tool, which is basically Jira. They request the thing through Jira, it creates all the necessary Salesforce campaigns. It uses an API call to clone an event, which Swoogo helped us build.

It clones the event, it creates the Zoom webinar, and everything on the event template is merge fields.

And it's done. It's ready to go.

That is so cool.

So, I think we did about a hundred and fifty of those ... oh, just in six months since he built the process.

Oh, that's awesome. That's really cool. One of the things your team has been shifting on. So, rather than having one massive event, you've had smaller regional events. Tell me a little bit more about why you made that decision.

Well, we shortened our event venue. So we did ... or the agenda. So we went from a two-day event, to a one-day event, and then we decided it would be best in that agenda format, to go to where the customers are.

So, yeah, we we decided to split our events from one massive event, to two smaller ones.

We're seeing how it goes this year and, you know, we'll see. Maybe next year, it'll be back to one.

That's cool. Yeah, I love this time of change, right? Where we have the chance to test new things, try new concepts, like these different regional events.

So awesome, do we have any questions for Trisha?

I can't see, because ... Oh, yeah. Can you see? I can't see if people are right here.

Yeah. In the back corner there.

Curious, with sixty users, how do you manage the process in the back end with the, you know, with the assets and the images and the documents and everything that you ... Do you have some person, one person, that's kind of managing it all? Do you have training that says, okay, this is your folder and you can only use this folder, or you know, what's that?

So, I do have different permissions per region.

They all have their own event folder. Our brand team created an approved image library that anybody can go and choose any of those images, and put them on their Swoogo pages.

But we have run into problems. Usually, one of the most common issues we run into is, on our country field, everybody wants their countries up at the top when they're creating the events. So that changes on a regular basis.

My team, I partner with BW Events, they've created a way to enable that for each region, and we put that on our regional templates, so that we don't keep having to deal with that.

But, yeah, for the most part, it is just, here's our ... we organize our folders, event folders, inside of Swoogo, as well as our image folders, so people can know where to find things easily.

Super cool. You mentioned before about this idea of community inside of DocuSign.

Having a community of folks who were able to answer questions for one of them. Can you tell me a little bit about how you set that up and how that's been really helpful for y'all?

Yeah. So, we just created a channel in our our Slack instance. And, basically, when somebody's onboarded or somebody gets a new license, we have a thirty-minute to sixty-minute call with them, and then give them their how-to guide, their checklist, run them through a template, and then every user, and then we invite them to the Slack channel so that everybody can ask questions there. And because we have global users, it's helpful, because somebody's asking a question at 2:00 AM, my time, can get an answer from somebody else who's online.

Cool. Cool. That's awesome. We do the same thing inside.

We have that, our internal community. And that's been incredible because we have some folks in Europe as well. And it's awesome that I can wake up and all fires have been ... solved already.


You know, it's awesome. That is a great feeling. Any other questions for Tricia?

In the back corner there.

So you had mentioned earlier about having three different categories for your events. I was hoping you could tell us a little bit more about how you broke those out.

And then second part to that, how do you split up those sixty users?

Do all sixty users go across three categories?

Are they specialized in a single category? What works best for you guys?

Yeah. I guess, I should say we have three categories of templates, and then our fully custom events. So, our categories are single-session event, multi-session event, and what we call a one-pager, which is your reg form is embedded on your landing page.

And what we've done is, those three templates are available in every region. So the footers are localized to point to the right dot com sites.

The email footers are localized. The language is translated in their native language. We don't always use translations, although we have. So every user knows where to find their templates; we have the templates inside of their event folder. And if it's a single session, that's what they use. If it's a multi session, that's what they use, etcetera.

In-person events, we typically use our, I'll say, like, in-person, small events, we would use our one-pager, but they basically can choose from there. And the way our creative team built our designs is, you know what you can drag and drop onto the page in different areas, and if they have questions about, or they wanna try this or that, they can come to our team, or to the Swoogo channel.

And then we have like our, this is our customer event that's coming up, and we have eight of these events around the world, and they all follow the same format. So my team will do more of a global deployment here, where we typically build out North America first, and we gather the assets. Like that's obviously not gonna ... that image is not going to work in Europe.

So we gather those assets, we build out their pages for them, and then we meet with each team to see what they want to change or update, or what's not applicable.

And because most of the people we're working with are are familiar in Swoogo, they work with Swoogo and have a license, they know that they can go in there, add their own sessions, change the text, whatever they need to do.

Super cool. Super cool. Any other questions for Tricia before we move on? I'm not sure if I can see anybody.

Yeah. Well, before we wrap this up, I just I wanted to say, please reach out to me.

I would love a community of people to help out.

I was just thinking if every single person told me what their favorite Swoogo hack was, my life would be totally different by Monday. Like, so please, I'm just Tricia.Williamson@DocuSign, feel free to email me.

Any questions you have that come up later, or just tell me what your favorite thing is about Swoogo, so that I can start doing it too. Maybe we'll get to a thousand events next year, if I can find out what all these people are doing.

Yeah, we'll bring it back next year. We'll do the counter over a year. We'll have the bar chart. Good deal.

Awesome. Well, thank you so much Tricia. Thank you. Round of applause!